August 2008 Meeting

Thanks to Lorraine and Tom for the photos

click on pictures for larger image


John and Sjonpaul subbing for Chris
Wes, Sharon and Lisa
Dok giving the evil eye
Mitch and Monica
Tom H and Rosemary
Jay instructing
Sjonpaul hard at work
Bob working on the project
Marvin, Deb and Kyle
Hope you don't think that's a Pepsi can you're reaching for
John M., Brandon and Jolene
Marvin doing the plumbing work
Sebastian and Luis
Tom F.
Tom H.
Something sneaking up on Guy
Guy and his helper
This is not a toy, you're not supposed to blow on these things....
...or maybe you are :-)
A realxing time
Fun for kids of all ages

        last update 9/2008